Monaco Elementary Parent Involvement Compact
Monaco Elementary Parent Involvement Compact
In order to achieve high standards of education we must develop and maintain a partnership between parents, students and school personnel. This compact promotes understanding and cooperation by clarifying mutual and separate responsibilities and expectations. We understand that a child’s education will reach its potential only if all in the partnership agree and meet their responsibilities.
Parent/Guardian Agreement
I want my child to achieve. Therefore, I will encourage him/her by doing the following:
_____ See that my child is punctual and attends school regularly.
_____ Provide my child with needed supplies.
_____ Support the school in its effort to maintain discipline.
_____ Establish a time for homework.
_____ Encourage and praise my child’s efforts and be available for questions.
_____ Read with my child and let my child read to me.
_____ Attend parent-teacher conferences and special events to show my interest and
_____ Communicate, model and expect positive values and character traits.
_____ Review the child’s work (homework and school work) daily.
_____ Discuss with the child what they have learned at school each day.
_____ Be a role model for my child concerning conflicts and their resolutions.
Teacher Agreement
It is important that students achieve. Therefore, I shall do the following:
_____ Dedicate myself to a communication cycle between home and school.
_____ Keep parents informed about their child’s academic performance.
_____ Provide necessary assistance to parents so that they can help with learning.
_____ Encourage and enhance learning by teaching sound curriculum.
_____ Adapt the curriculum to the learning styles of each student in order to ensure the
success of each student in the classroom.
_____ Recognize the strengths of each child and modify the instructional program to
account for individual differences.