President Jim Milacek, Place 5

Jim Milacek has been on the Aubrey ISD School Board for 20 years. He was voted board president in May of 2021 and May of 2022.
Mr. Milacek served as board president from May 2018 to May 2020 and from May 2021 to current. He also served as vice president of the board for five years and was secretary for four years prior to that.
Mr. Milacek decided to serve on the school board after he was asked to be on a school bond committee. While attending bond meetings, he discovered he enjoyed serving in that capacity and was later approached about running for the school board.
Mr. Milacek is an Aubrey High School graduate. His wife, Tina, is a counselor in the district. They have four children and six grandchildren. All four of their children have graduated from AHS, and their two older children have kids of their own in the district.
Mr. Milacek works for Sager Electronics. He received his bachelor’s degree from Letourneau University. He was in the U.S. Navy and served in Desert Shield and Desert Storm. He is a member of New Hope Baptist Church and volunteers with numerous Aubrey athletics booster clubs.
Mr. Milacek's current term on the board started in May of 2022 and will expire in May of 2025.