Intra-District / Inter-District Transfer Information

Please know the following information pertains to K-12 student transfer requests. 

Pre-K is a different process.

Falsifying Documents and Records for Fraudulent Registration: Falsification of information is a crime and can lead to legal action. Students found to have been enrolled fraudulently will be withdrawn.

Intra-District: Families living in Aubrey ISD who wish to send their student to a campus other than their zoned campus (Ex. Live in the Brockett Elementary zone wishing to attend West Elementary)

Inter-District: Families that live outside the Aubrey ISD zone wishing to attend Aubrey ISD. (Ex. a family lives in Denton ISD and wishes to attend Aubrey ISD)

Aubrey ISD continues to experience rapid growth. It is an honor to serve so many amazing families that have chosen to make our district home! However, that growth has impacted our ability to grant both Intra-District and Inter-District Transfers. Please find the following information on transfers. 

  1. New Inter-District Transfer Requests: Aubrey ISD is accepting no NEW Inter-District transfers at this time. Families may make a request for future consideration should this change via this LINK. Prior to submitting the request, families should consider the following:

  • Aubrey ISD is accepting no NEW Inter-District Transfer Requests.

  • You will receive no notification of denial of transfer.

  • If approved, you will not be notified until after the first day of school. 

  • It is recommended that NEW Inter-District transfer applicants plan to attend their zoned campus.

  • Your student(s) may not be enrolled in Aubrey ISD without an approved transfer. 

  • Transfers are governed by Board Policy FDA (Local) and are evaluated based on the following criteria: program availability, discipline history, academic performance, and attendance. 

  • A transfer is granted for one school year only.

  • Aubrey ISD will provide no transportation.

  • Falsification of information is a Class A Misdemeanor and can lead to legal action.

  1. New Intra-District Transfer Requests: Aubrey ISD is accepting no new Intra-District Transfer Requests for the following campuses: Owens MS, McNabb MS, Brockett Elementary, and Monaco Elementary. Only West Elementary and Fuller Elementary schools are open for new transfer requests. Families may make a request via this LINK.  Prior to submitting the request, families should consider the following:

  • Aubrey ISD is accepting no NEW Intra-District Transfer Requests to any campuses except West and Fuller Elementary Schools. 

  • If approved, you may not be notified until after the first day of school. 

  • It is recommended that Returning Intra-District transfer applicants plan to attend their zoned campus. 

  • Your student(s) may not be enrolled in Aubrey ISD without an approved transfer. 

  • Transfers are governed by Board Policy FDA (Local) and are evaluated based on the following criteria: program availability, discipline history, academic performance, and attendance. 

  • A transfer is granted for one school year only.

  • Aubrey ISD will provide no transportation.

  • Falsification of information is a Class A Misdemeanor and can lead to legal action.

  1. Request to Remain: Returning Intra-District/Inter-District Transfer student’s families  received an email containing a request form. Please note that siblings of students granted a transfer that are not currently enrolled in Aubrey ISD must request a NEW Intra or Inter-District form. Families may make a request via this LINK. Prior to submitting the request, families should consider the following:

  • Aubrey ISD is accepting no NEW Intra-District Transfer Requests to any campuses except West and Fuller Elementary Schools. 

  • If approved, you may not be notified until after the first day of school. 

  • It is recommended that Returning Intra-District transfer applicants plan to attend their zoned campus. 

  • Your student(s) may not be enrolled in Aubrey ISD without an approved transfer. 

  • Transfers are governed by Board Policy FDA (Local) and are evaluated based on the following criteria: program availability, discipline history, academic performance, and attendance. 

  • A transfer is granted for one school year only.

  • Aubrey ISD will provide no transportation.

  • Falsification of information is a Class A Misdemeanor and can lead to legal action.