Title I Parent Compact
In order to achieve high standards of education we must develop and maintain a partnership between parents, students and school personnel. This compact promotes understanding and cooperation by clarifying mutual and separate responsibilities and expectations. We understand that a child's education will reach its potential only if all in the partnership agree and meet their responsibilities.
I want my child to achieve. Therefore, I will encourage him/her by doing the following:
See that my child is punctual and attends school regularly.
Provide my child with needed supplies.
Support the school in its effort to maintain discipline.
Establish a time for homework.
Encourage and praise my child's efforts and be available for questions.
Read with my child and let my child read to me.
Attend parent-teacher conferences and special events to show my interest and support.
Communicate, model and expect positive values and character traits.
Review the child's work (homework and school work) daily.
Discuss with the child what they have learned at school each day.
Be a role model for my child concerning conflicts and their resolutions.