Vice President Colleen Dow, Place 7

Colleen Dow was elected to the Aubrey ISD School Board of Trustees in 2011. She currently serves as vice president.
Mrs. Dow also served as board secretary from May 2018 to May 2022.
Three of her five children are Aubrey High School graduates.
Mrs. Dow’s passion to serve on the school board came from having three children in the school district. She felt she was connected with a lot of parents and was in touch with their needs and wants.
Mrs. Dow has spent over 30 years in the software industry supporting the appraisal, assessment and collection of real estate taxes.
Prior to serving on the board, Mrs. Dow previously served as a commissioner and coach with the Aubrey Area Youth Sports Association. She also enjoyed helping to serve the pregame meal for the football players, volunteering in the athletic concessions stands and organized the first Lady Chaps basketball program.
Mrs. Dow received her bachelor’s degree in computer science from Texas Woman’s University.
Mrs. Dow's current term on the board started in May of 2023 and will expire in May of 2026.